
Groundbreaking at 9200 Carraway Lane

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We are pleased to announce the successful groundbreaking of CorPark Carraway, marking the beginning of an exciting new chapter in this development.

This milestone is a powerful testament to the vision behind the Newcor flywheel—bringing our three companies together to drive innovation and create meaningful impact. It perfectly exemplifies the kind of synergy and collaboration we set out to achieve, reinforcing our commitment to working as one cohesive force to deliver exceptional results.

A sincere thank you to our partners, stakeholders, design team and Newcor team members who have played a pivotal role in bringing this vision to life. We look forward to the journey ahead and to sharing continued progress with you.

📽️ Watch the highlights from this special occasion. 

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Vot for Us-Best of the Best Woodlands!

Newcor Commercial Real Estate is a full-service commercial real estate company headquartered in The Woodlands, TX.

With a focus on Brokerage, Development, and Investments, Newcor consistently delivers exceptional results for its Clients and Partners.

Woodlands Imagery Courtesy of Derrick Bryant Photography

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